08. Authorization

Authorization Heading


ND035 C04 L01 A04.1 Authorization



In the video, Sareeta mentioned that authorization is usually implemented as Role-Based Access Control, which is commonly abbreviated as RBAC. In RBAC, access is given based on a user's role—as a manager, engineer, customer service representative, etc.

Permissions can then be given (and limited) to users based on their roles. That way, each type of user only has limited access—they are able to access only the specific things they need for their particular job.

ND035 C04 L01 A04.2 Authorization

Authentication and authorization are different, yet related. You can't grant a right to a user (i.e., authorize that user) without first knowing who that user is (i.e., by authenticating their identity).

What is authorization?

Authorization is all about…

SOLUTION: Determining what a user is allowed to access.


SOLUTION: Permissions are given to a group of users who all share the same role in the company.